Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final Draft

The question on what public schools should teach in sex education is raising debates across the United States.  Recently, the government has supported abstinence-only programs.  They’ve insisted that adolescents be taught to remain abstinent until marriage.  Opponents contend that abstinence only programs are failing and are accounting for the high pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rates in the United States.  Both sides of the issue want to see decreases in premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases.  With controversies flaring, it is time people consider what is truly best for the health and protection of the young people.  Therefore, public schools should adopt a comprehensive sex education curriculum with a strong focus on abstinence as the only sure way to prevent against STDs and pregnancy.

            While the government still supports abstinence only teaching methods, the clear majority of citizens recognize that this method is impractical.  The republican view remains, “the fact that some teens engage in unhealthy behavior should not discourage us as a society from promoting moral conduct” (“Sex Education”).  The word ‘some’ does not accurately portray the large number of sexually active teenagers.  Moral conduct can still be taught in schools while teaching comprehensive sex education.  The majority of the public realizes this.  A study done by the University of Pennsylvania found that “approximately 82% of respondents indicated support for programs that teach students about both abstinence and other methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases” (“Results of Recent Studies”).  Citizens want their children to be educated on contraceptive methods and STDs.  However, citizens have paid over half a billion dollars since 1996 on abstinence only education (Brody).  It is the job of the government to take into account the feelings of the public.  The government needs to realize that Americans do not want abstinence only methods being taught to their youth.            

The main reason for parents’ objection is that abstinence-only methods are not effective.  Adolescents are not abstaining in the United States.  In a 1993 study done by the Centers for Disease Control, they found that, “more than 43% of ninth grade boys and more than 31% of ninth-grade girls report having had sexual intercourse” (“Sex Education”).  These alarming numbers show that teenagers are having sex and not waiting until marriage.  With the average man having sexual intercourse ten years before marriage and the average woman seven years, teens expect to have numerous sexual partners in their lifetimes.  “College men indicate that they would ideally like to have 18 sex partners across their lives, whereas college women report that they would prefer only 5 partners” (Weiten 388).  Since teenagers are having sex earlier and with more sexual partners, the public cannot deprive them of valuable information to protect themselves.  Depriving them of important sexual education may be partially to blame for the high pregnancy and STD rates.  Three million teenagers become infected with a STD every year in the United States and over a million teenage girls become pregnant (“Sex Education: Statistical Update”).  With comprehensive sex education, the school would teach the students about different types of birth control and STD prevention methods.  The education would still focus on abstinence as the only sure way to protect both you and your partner.  Given that the majority of teenagers do not have one sexual partner and do not wait until marriage, all teenagers should receive comprehensive sex education.

            For every teenager to get the most out of a sex education class, it needs to be tailored to the appropriate audience.  Sex education can be a cumulative process.  As Douglas Kirby, reviewer of CDC analysis, says, “for younger, sexually inexperienced youth, an effective message is: ‘Wait until you are older to have sexual intercourse.’ For older kids: ‘Avoid unprotected intercourse--the best way to do this is abstinence; if you have sex, always use protection.’ For high-risk groups, most of whom are having intercourse, an effective message is: ‘Always use condoms; otherwise you might get AIDS’” (“Sex Education”).  This method allows for education to expand as the child ages.  A comprehensive sex education class will not teach ten-year olds how to use condoms.  It will slowly increase their knowledge on sex, STDs, HIV, pregnancy, and contraceptives while pressing abstinence as the best option at every step.  A failure with abstinence only methods is that they leave out a part of the audience.  Where does that method leave homosexuals, people who choose not to marry, and the non-religious?  When do they learn about sex?  By teaching all students comprehensive sex education, the entire population is included.  Populations and cultures differ around the country.  It would be senseless to teach abstinence only in inner city, urban environments.  These teenagers grow up with a high risk for teenage pregnancy and STDs (“Update: Teen Pregnancy”).  They need to be taught comprehensive sex education to protect their future health.  By teaching a comprehensive sex education program, all ages, minorities, and cultures are included.

            With all teenagers involved, a comprehensive sex education program that includes preaching abstinence is a more real world approach.  No individual can be forced to practice abstinence.  Critics say that those who promote abstinence-only education are denying reality” (“Abstinence-Only Education”).  It is and will always be his or her choice when they want to have sex.  Whenever this time comes, it is in best interest of the public that the teenager was taught safe sex practices.  Especially with today’s technological resources, an immense amount of information on sex is circulating.  As Kreinin, president of the Sexuality Information and Education council says, “young people are going to learn about sex and our question has to be where do we want them to learn? From the media? From their friends? Or do we want them to learn from an educated, responsible adult?" (Masland).  By providing adolescents with correct information, we enable them to make the right choice.  “Respecting students means that they will make the right choices when they are informed of all the relevant facts” (“Sex Education”).  It is not realistic for the government to dictate when the right time is for adolescents to have sex.  But by putting faith into the younger generations, we can give them the available information and the responsibility to make the correct decision. Since expecting abstinence from the youth is not realistic or practical, we must educate with appropriate comprehensive sex education methods. 

            Teaching students comprehensive sex education will lower the pregnancy and STD rates among the sexually active students.  There are many different types of contraceptive methods available to females.  Females and males should be taught these methods, how to use them effectively, and their failure rates.  They also need to be aware that abstinence is the only way to be 100% sure you will not get pregnant.  The high pregnancy rate can be lowered with this knowledge.  The high teenage pregnancy rate is associated with another very controversial subject, abortion.  Since a third of all teenage pregnancies end in abortion, “people on both sides of the abortion debate agree that educating adolescents about how to prevent unwanted pregnancy is a major step toward reducing the need for abortions” (“Sex Education”).  Therefore, teaching students about contraceptive methods could in turn lower the abortion rate in the United States.  The use and effectiveness of condoms would be discussed in this program.  “The lack of knowledge about how to use a condom effectively and the lack of motivation to use one every time mean that condoms fail much more often than they otherwise would” (“Sex Education”).  When condoms are used consistently and properly there is only a 2% failure rate.  If teenagers are taught about condoms then they will be able to use them effectively and greatly decrease the risk acquiring a STD.  Sexual behavior is the number eight modifiable cause of death in the United States (Schneider).  Many of those deaths are attributed to STDs and AIDs.  Teenagers need to be educated so preventable deaths, STD transmission, and pregnancy rates can diminish.

            Educating adolescents with a comprehensive sex program is the best way to protect the public.  Scientists and the general public support comprehensive sex education meaning that the government needs to change their abstinence-only policy.  The current policy does not include the entire audience, leaving some adolescents unsure of where they fit.  Expecting all teenagers to abstain until marriage is an unrealistic teaching method. Comprehensive sex education would still focus on abstinence as the safest and most ideal choice for every student.  However, it will teach contraceptive and STD prevention methods.  This could then lower the pregnancy and STD rates among students who choose to become sexually active before marriage.  Public schools need to adopt a comprehensive sex education curriculum with a strong focus on abstinence to best educate teenagers. 

Works Cited

“Abstinence-Only Education.” Issues & Controversies on File. 11 Sept. 2006. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008

Brody, Jane E. “Abstinence-Only: Does It Work?” New York Times Jun. 2004:F7. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 12 Apr. 2008 .

Masland, Molly. "The Sex Education Debate: An Overview." At Issue: Sex Education. Ed. Kristen Bailey. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 9 Apr. 2008.

“Results of recent studies reported by University of Pennsylvania, U.S.” Biotech Business Week. (2007): A07. LexisNexis. LexisNexis. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 4 Apr. 2008 .

Schneider, Mary-Jane. Introduction to Public Health. 2nd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2006.

Seagren, Alice. “Making a Case for Abstinence-Only Sex Education.” Contemporary Issues Companion: Teens and Sex. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Sex Education." Issues & Controversies On File 5 Jan. 2001. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 9 Apr. 2008.

"Sex Education: Statistical Update." Issues & Controversies On File 22 Mar. 2007. Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File NewsServices.  Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Update: Teen Pregnancy." Issues & Controversies On File 6 July 2007.Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar.2008 .

Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes and Variations. 7th ed. California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007.

Wetzstein, Cheryl. "Sex-Ed Found to Prolong Teen Virginity: Two Studies Concur." The Washington Times 20 Dec. 2007. Lexis Nexis. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 14 Apr. 2008 .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rough Draft

For years there has been much argument over what public schools should teach in sex education.  In recent years, the government has supported abstinence-only programs.  They’ve insisted that adolescents be taught to remain abstinent until marriage.  Opponents contend that abstinence only programs are failing and are accounting for the high pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rates in the United States.  Both sides of the issue want to see decreases in premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases.  With controversies flaring, it is time people consider what is truly best for the health and protection of the young people.  Therefore, public schools should adopt a comprehensive sex education curriculum with a strong focus on abstinence as the only sure way to prevent against STDs and pregnancy.

            While the government still supports abstinence only teaching methods, the clear majority of citizens recognize that this method is impractical.  The republican view remains, “The fact that some teens engage in unhealthy behavior should not discourage us as a society from promoting moral conduct” (Sex Education).  The word ‘some’ does not accurately portray the correct number of sexually active teenagers.  Moral conduct can still be taught in schools while still teaching comprehensive sex education.  The majority of the public realizes this.  A study done by the University of Pennsylvania found that “approximately 82% of respondents indicated support for programs that teach students about both abstinence and other methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases” (Results of Recent Studies).  Citizens want their children to be educated on contraceptive methods and STDs.  It is the job of the government to take into account the feeling of the public.  The government needs to realize that Americans do not want abstinence only methods being taught to their youth.

            Since adolescents are not abstaining, action needs to be taken.  In a 1993 study done by the Centers for Disease Control, they found that, “more than 43% of ninth grade boys and more than 31% of ninth-grade girls report having had sexual intercourse” (Sex Education).  These alarming numbers show that teenagers are having sex and not waiting until marriage.  “The typical male has sexual intercourse 10 years before marriage; seven years before marriage is the figure for the typical female” (Sex Education).  With data showing that teenagers are not abstaining, the public cannot then deprive them of valuable information to protect themselves.   Depriving them of valuable sexual education may be partially to blame for the high pregnancy and STD rates.  Three million teenagers become infected with a STD every year in the United States and over a million teenage girls become pregnant (Sex Education: Statistical Update).  With comprehensive sex education, the school would teach them about different types of birth control and STD prevention methods.  The focus would still be on how abstinence is the only sure way to prevent against pregnancy and STDs.  American teenagers are having sex, and it is now the public’s responsibility to educate them on how to better protect themselves.

            For every teenager to get the most out of a sex education class, it needs to be tailored to the appropriate audience.  Sex education can be a cumulative process.  As Douglas Kirby, reviewer of CDC analysis, says, “For younger, sexually inexperienced youth, an effective message is: ‘Wait until you are older to have sexual intercourse.’ For older kids: ‘Avoid unprotected intercourse--the best way to do this is abstinence; if you have sex, always use protection.’ For high-risk groups, most of whom are having intercourse, an effective message is: ‘Always use condoms; otherwise you might get AIDS’” (Sex Education).  This method allows for education to expand as the child ages.  A comprehensive sex education class will not teach ten-year olds how to use condoms.  It will slowly increase their knowledge on sex, STDs, HIV, pregnancy, and contraceptives while pressing abstinence as the best option at every step.  Abstinence only methods leave out a part of the audience.  Where does that method leave homosexuals, people who choose not to marry, and the non-religious?  When do they learn about sex?  By teaching all students comprehensive sex education, the entire population is included.  Abstinence only would be senseless to teach in inner city, urban environments.  These teenagers grow up with a high risk for teenage pregnancy and STDs.  They need to be taught comprehensive sex education to protect their future health.  By teaching a comprehensive sex education program, all teenagers are included.

            A comprehensive sex education program that includes preaching abstinence is a more real world approach.  No individual can be forced to practice abstinence.  “Programs that teach only about abstinence fail to recognize the reality of teenage sexuality” (Sex Education).  It is and will always be his or her choice when they want to have sex.  Whenever this time comes, it is in best interest of the public that the teenager has been taught safe sex practices.  Especially with today’s technological resources, an immense amount of information on sex is circulating.  As Kreinin, president of the Sexuality Information and Education council says, “Young people are going to learn about sex and our question has to be where do we want them to learn? From the media? From their friends? Or do we want them to learn from an educated, responsible adult?" (Masland).  By providing adolescents with correct information, we enable them to make the right choice.  “Respecting students means that they will make the right choices when they are informed of all the relevant facts” (Sex Education).  It is not realistic for the government to say when the right time to have sex is.  But by putting faith into the younger generations, we can give them the available information and the responsibility to make the correct decision.  Since expecting abstinence from the youth is not realistic or practical, we must educate with comprehensive sex education methods. 

            Teaching students how to properly use contraceptive methods will lower the pregnancy and STD rates among the sexually active students.  There are many different types of contraceptive methods available to females.  Females and males should be taught these methods, how to use them effectively, and their failure rates.  They also need to be aware that abstinence is the only way to be 100% sure you will not get pregnant.  The high pregnancy rate could be lowered with this knowledge.  The high teenage pregnancy rate is associated with another very controversial subject, abortion.  Since a third of all teenage pregnancies end in abortion, “people on both sides of the abortion debate agree that educating adolescents about how to prevent unwanted pregnancy is a major step toward reducing the need for abortions” (Sex Education).  Therefore, teaching students about contraceptive methods could in turn lower the abortion rate in the United States.  The use and effectiveness of condoms would be discussed in this program.  “The lack of knowledge about how to use a condom effectively and the lack of motivation to use one every time mean that condoms fail much more often than they otherwise would” (Sex Education).  A study done by the CDC found that when condoms are used consistently and properly there is only a 2% failure rate (Sex Education).  If teenagers are taught about condoms then they will be able to use them effectively.  Condoms can also greatly decrease the risk of STD transmission.  Sexual behavior is the number eight modifiable cause of death in the United States (Schneider).  Many of those deaths are attributed to STDs and AID.  Teenagers need to be educated so that preventable deaths, STD transmission, and pregnancy rates can diminish.

            Scientists and the general public support comprehensive sex education meaning that the government needs to change their abstinence-only policy.  The current policy does not include the entire audience, leaving some adolescents unsure of where they fit.  Expecting all teenagers to abstain until marriage is an unrealistic teaching method. Comprehensive sex education would still focus on abstinence as the safest and most ideal choice for every student.  However, it will teach contraceptive and STD prevention methods.  This could then lower the pregnancy and STD rates among students who choose to become sexually active before marriage.  Public schools need to adopt a comprehensive sex education curriculum with a strong focus on abstinence to best educate teenagers. 

Working Works Cited

“Abstinence-Only Education.” Issues & Controversies on File. 11 Sept. 2006. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008.

Brody, Jane E. “Abstinence-Only: Does It Work?” New York Times Jun. 2004:F7. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 12 Apr. 2008


Masland, Molly. "The Sex Education Debate: An Overview." At Issue: Sex Education. Ed. Kristen Bailey. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 9 Apr. 2008.

“Results of recent studies reported by University of Pennsylvania, U.S.” Biotech Business Week. (2007): A07. LexisNexis. LexisNexis. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 4 Apr. 2008 .

Schneider, Mary-Jane. Introduction to Public Health. 2nd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2006.

Seagren, Alice. “Making a Case for Abstinence-Only Sex Education.” Contemporary Issues Companion: Teens and Sex. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Sex Education." Issues & Controversies On File 5 Jan. 2001. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 9 Apr. 2008.

"Sex Education: Statistical Update." Issues & Controversies On File 22 Mar. 2007. Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File NewsServices.  Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Update: Teen Pregnancy." Issues & Controversies On File 6 July 2007.Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File News Services. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 31 Mar.2008 .

Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes and Variations. 7th ed. California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007.

Wetzstein, Cheryl. "Sex-Ed Found to Prolong Teen Virginity: Two Studies Concur." The Washington Times 20 Dec. 2007. Lexis Nexis. Cooper Lib., Clemson U. 14 Apr. 2008.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mediated Brief

Thesis: Public schools should adopt a comprehensive sex education curriculum with a strong focus on abstinence as the only sure way to prevent STDS and pregnancy.

Reason: Action needs to be taken: adolescents are having sex at increasingly younger ages, resulting in extremely high rates of teen pregnancy and STD levels. 
• In a survey conducted by the CDC in 1993, “more than 43% of ninth grade boys and more than 31% of ninth-grade girls report having had sexual intercourse.”
• Teen pregnancy is much more prevalent in the U.S. than any other industrialized nation.
• Three million teenagers become infected with an STD each year.
• Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are more common among teenagers than adults.
• Over 1 million teenage girls become pregnant every year.
• A third of all teenage pregnancies end in abortion. If adolescents were properly educated about how to prevent pregnancy, the need for abortions would be greatly reduced.

Reason: While focusing on an abstinence based approach, intended to lower sexual activity rates among adolescents, an abstinence plus program also allows the discussion of contraceptives and STD prevention, adopting a more real world approach.
• Abstinence cannot be forced upon an individual. An adolescent will make his or her own choice on when to have sex. When they decide it is best that they have been taught how to have safe sex.
• Tamara Kreinin, president of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States: “Young people are going to learn about sex and our question has to be where do we want them to learn? From the media? From their friends? Or do we want them to learn from an educated, responsible adult?"
• Catherine Weiss, director of the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union's] Reproductive Freedom Project: "Programs in abstinence are very valuable, "It's programs that don't provide any information that we're against.... It's as if you're trying to prevent kids from riding motorcycles by forbidding them to wear safety helmets."

Reason: Teaching students how to properly use contraceptive methods such as condoms, will lower the pregnancy and STD rates among students who do choose to engage in sexual activity, despite being made aware of the risks involved.
• Condoms only prevent pregnancy when used regularly and effectively, so teenagers need to be instructed how to use this other and forms of birth control.
• A study by the CDC found that when condoms are used properly and consistently, there is only a 2% failure rate.

Reason: The sex education curriculum should be tailored in order to make it appropriate to the audience.
• Douglas Kirby, director of research for ETR Associates, a California-based source of materials on sex education: "Effective sex-education programs provide a clear message that is both age- and experience-appropriate.
• Douglas Kirby: For younger, sexually inexperienced youth, an effective message is: "Wait until you are older to have sexual intercourse." For older kids: "Avoid unprotected intercourse--the best way to do this is abstinence; if you have sex, always use protection." For high-risk groups, most of whom are having intercourse, an effective message is: "Always use condoms; otherwise you might get AIDS."
• By addressing different age and maturity levels, methods of dealing with sexual peer pressure can be addressed at an earlier age, thus preventing many early sexual experiences, and at the very least, providing information on how to make later sexual activity safer.
• Abstaining until marriage is not an appropriate course of action for everyone: people who are not religious may not believe in waiting until marriage, some people never intend to marry, and homosexuals are not able to able to obtain legally recognized marriages.
• Especially in urban environments, where the children are at high risk for sexual activity and many are already sexually active it would be ridiculous to advocate abstinence only and leave students uninformed about how to protect themselves.

Reason: While to government may support abstinence only education, the majority of citizens recognize the impracticality of this approach and the need to better educate students about their own sexual health.
• A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania polled the US public opinion on sex education. They found that “approximately 82% of respondents indicated support for programs that teach students about both abstinence and other methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” The study summarized that, “abstinence-only programs, while a priority of the federal government, are supported by neither a majority of the public nor the scientific community.”

Working Citation List:

“Abstinence-Only Education.” Issues & Controversies on File. 11 Sept. 2006. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services. 31 Mar. 2008 .

Masland, Molly. "The Sex Education Debate: An Overview." At Issue: Sex Education. Ed. Kristen Bailey. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Clemson University. 9 Apr. 2008 .

Seagren, Alice. “Making a Case for Abstinence-Only Sex Education.” Contemporary Issues Companion: Teens and Sex. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Clemson University. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Sex Education." Issues & Controversies On File 5 Jan. 2001. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 9 Apr. 2008 .

"Sex Education: Statistical Update." Issues & Controversies On File 22 Mar. 2007. Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File NewsServices. 31 Mar. 2008 .

"Update: Teen Pregnancy." Issues & Controversies On File 6 July 2007.Issues & Controversies @ Facts On File News Services. 31 Mar.2008 .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Initial Brief

Adolescents should receive comprehensive sex education as opposed to abstinence only teaching methods.

“Comprehensive sex education is based on the premise that every person has a right to information about sex and contraceptive choices” (“Sex Education”).

Reason: Adolescents will learn the different types of contraceptive methods available to them.

Example: A third of all teenage pregnancies end in abortion (“Sex Education”).  If adolescents were properly educated about how to prevent pregnancy, the need for abortions would be greatly reduced.

            For condoms to be effective, they need to be used properly.  Comprehensive sex education ensures that adolescents are taught this.

Reason: Adolescents are becoming sexually active younger and not waiting until marriage.

Example: In a survey conducted by the CDC in 1993, “more than 43% of ninth grade boys and more than 31% of ninth-grade girls report having had sexual intercourse” (Sex Education).

    In the Journal of Adolescent Health, it was published that, “young people who take ‘virginity pledges’--promises to wait until marriage to have sex--are more likely than not to break their pledges, and are less likely to use contraception when they do have sex” (Update: Teen Pregnancy).

Reason: By teaching sex education, the adolescent is able to make his or her own educated decision about sex.

Example: Abstinence cannot be forced upon an individual.  An adolescent will make his or her own choice on when to have sex.  When they decide it is best that they have been taught how to have safe sex.

“Expecting abstinence to work on its own is an unrealistic approach” (Update: Teen Pregnancy”).

Reason: Comprehensive sex education teaches about STDs and methods to prevent them.

Example: The number of HIV diagnoses in the United States was 37,930 in 2005. This is a remarkably high number considering we now know how to prevent the spread of HIV (“Statistical Update”).

    In 1995 2,300 cases of AIDS were reported to the CDC in the United Sates for ages 12 through 18.  Just three years prior there were only 808 cases reported (“Sex Education”). If students are taught how to use condoms properly, they can better protect themselves against STDs and HIV.

Reason: The population is in support of teaching a non-abstinence only method.

Example: A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania polled the US public opinion on sex education.  They found that “approximately 82% of respondents indicated support for programs that teach students about both abstinence and other methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” The study summarized that, “abstinence-only programs, while a priority of the federal government, are supported by neither a majority of the public nor the scientific community.”